Category Archives: Diets & Health Tips

Could you eat better?

What we eat not only affects our health, but also the environment.

By eating more whole grains and plant based foods, free-range and fair trade, and buying less processed food and more locally grown food – you can make a difference.

I advocate Meat free Mondays and here is a simple vegetarian bean stew which makes a quick, filling and planet-friendly dinner.

5 top tips to healthy eating

1. Eat a balanced breakfast

It is crucial to help kickstart metabolism, improve cognitive function, and help you make better food choices throughout the day. The ideal meal includes protein, healthy fat, and some complex carbohydrates.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

Probiotics improve gut flora

Sugar is is receiving an increasingly bad reputation and has been linked to everything from obesity to heart disease. And it doesn’t just always show up in obvious places like fizzy drinks and sweets.

Should milk be on the menu?

There are many in the field of alternative health who turn away from cows’ milk and products but I am not one of them, the reason being that cows’milk (organic) is a rich and abundant supply of calcium and protein plus essential vitamins.  But should you have problems digesting this highly nutritious food then there